About Us

The Mission of the Main Street Leadership Collaborative™ (MSLC) is to facilitate the development of local entrepreneurs, organizations, and leaders and bring them together to help others to do the same!

TOGETHER we ALL develop a Small Business Community Center where entrepreneurs and leaders from all walks of life participate in forming local enterprises that share low-cost workspace and infrastructure.

Main Street Leadership Collaborative’s Vision includes anyone, for example, who feels called to:

  • Start a company
  • Obtain a patent
  • Run a small business
  • Write a book
  • Start a club or community organization

We train coaches and consultants, who then empower you and your community members in realizing your respective visions of running a small business or organization serving the local Greater Providence and Southern New England community.

Main Street Leadership Collaborative also invites participation in the Micro-Manufacturing Initiative.

The ideal Main Street Leadership Collaborative (MSLC) candidate has always entertained a dream of developing a small business, community organization, club, or a book or product that they feel would greatly serve their local community.

Together we work with people who are concerned about their own livelihoods, concerned about their families, about conservation, and about living/leading proudly in a civil society — while cultivating a respectful, safe and secure society.

Together we take on Wall Street and the Big Box businesses while building our own local micro-manufacturing and business community center where everyone can participate, no matter how small your project may be, with low-cost shared workspace supported by the entire community.

Building an unrivaled infrastructure to empower our local community with locally sourced and produced products and services, we are no longer dependent on the National Economy or on Globalization.

Together we shape our own destiny while supporting our local economy. Working together locally, as concerned citizens serving each other, we also enable all who want to “Create The Life That Dreams You”.

For more information, please contact us at 888-560-1863 or review the pages on this website:

Home Page / Course Description / Course Registration / Contact Us / About Us

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